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PROGRESSIVE SYNERGY: Experiencing Healthy Fourth tier Streets

Fourth tier streets collect and distribute traffic between local streets and arterial streets. They connect main commercial and office developments to neighborhoods. Their typical traffic vehicular volumes range between 1,000 and 8,000 average daily trips.

While not iconic to the City, they represent how people live, what their neighborhoods identity is and, a layer to the architecture and the area. They do not just become alive when people leave their homes for work and when they come back. They do so when children go back and forth to school and participate in afternoon activities; weekend activities such as parades, bicycle and run, etc. Because of this connection between neighborhoods and the commercial developments; the streets often include other amenities such as bike lanes; easy access to schools, churches and the like. Due to the relationship between the neighborhood activities (ie. parks, yard sales, parades, etc.) and commercial activities (ie. work and shopping) there are prime sites for an enhanced lifestyle of health and wellness and the potential to become the healthy streets in the city.

The chosen area of work is 20th street between Thomas Rd. and Bethany Home Rd. 20th street is an underutilized north-south corridor. 20th street is an accessible street by different modes of transportation. The basic vehicular, mass transit, bike and pedestrian infrastructure are set in place. However, the infrastructure is underutilized. With zoning changes, added public transportation, mixed use buildings, higher density neighborhoods, etc. the 20th street of the 21st century will be vibrant.

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